


M-U-M -insignificant on paper-

Short - three letters in all -

Belies - I’m sure you will concur-

The fathomless depths of maternal

Love, friendship and selfless care,

The pride, the support given by mums,

Their arsenal of emotions laid bare.


M-U-M - insignificant on paper-

Short - three letters in all -

But each letter beholds a treasure 

Unmatched by the biggest windfall,

Each letter - the key to my heart,

Why I celebrate you this and every day,

And why in my life you always play a part.


Mother of the highest order 

Minder of my dreams 

Maker of my wishes

Master of my destiny

Manager of my growth

Maddening at times!

Mainstay in my life


Unselfish in your role

Understanding in your deeds

Unable to put yourself first

Undeniably proud

Umpiring our lives

Undefeated in love

United in mutual respect 


Mum significant in my heart

My friend,

My advisor

My confidante

Mum significant in my life

Master of magical moments!


Fills my life with sugar and spice!