Kurt Philip Behm


The history of time

  a moments expanse


All memory set free

 —the present entranced


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)



The Tightening Noose



 hover over their children



 smothering their young


Choices curtailed,

 freedom spoon fed



 —for youth to be hung


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)



Thespian Misstep


There are stages you run to,

  and from stages to hide


The performance of a lifetime,

  or the shame that will chide


There are actors in character,

   and stand-ins on loan


One change in direction

  —and all meaning has flown


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Ah Yue Shda


A Lakota Sioux Elder

 once prophetically said…


 “We will be known forever

   by the tracks we leave behind”


That wisdom now marking

 a trail of tears

   —any hope still yet to find


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)





One letter that follows,

 if added will deem


To separate the real 

  from what’s referenced or schemed


“Honor from honors,

  Love from loves


“Truth from truth’s,

  and Self from selves


“God from gods,

  Time from times


“Vision from visions,

   and Life from lives”


The singular, the plural

 what is, what is not


One small trailing letter

 —true meaning leaves off


(Villanova Pennsylvania: March, 2019)