Birddie Jane

my heaven


She rides a yellow bike
Barefoot on a path of glass
Her hair is short
And close to her head
Each curl perfectly coiled
And golden as the sunflowers around her
She wears a white dress
Sinched at the waist and knee length
Her Easter pink scarf
Is tucked into either elbow
And trails behind her, light as a feather
In her basket she carries flowers
Jasmine, carnations, lillies and daisies
The tunnel of trees she travels through
Is in full bloom
Pink and white against a sky so blue
The falling pettles dance like snow
The sun is warm and inviting
A rain falls from no-where
The drops, a gentle kiss on her shoulders
She will ride this path for eternity
For she has no-where else to be
Than at peace
Who is she?
She is me.
And when I think of Heaven,
This is what I see.🌸🌸🌸