Jacob Mead

Your Embrace

Your embrace, the sweetness of your voice resonates in my ears,
the gentle ringing gives way to my happiness.
The smell of your perfume,
it leaves the aroma of the fresh outdoors.
Nature guides me through its infinite expanses of wonder,
leaving my soul ever filled.
The sweet smoothness of your hair flows like silky butter,
its strands leave an imprint of desire for more.
Not to mention, the gentleness of your soft body,
like a mother cradling a baby for the first time.
Your eyes gleam ever so bright at the new things that surround you everyday,
you amaze at the littlest of things, it shows the innocence to your nature.
However, it leaves much to desire, for it can not truly be so.
A man taking the one thing that I have ever known.

Your body is cold and sad, your limp arms and legs spell disaster for those who look upon it.
Sadness fills those who choose to remember the person you once were.
A walking and talking person, laughing at my jokes, showing a compassionate smile.
A person will kill to hear your laugh once more.
To hear the sweetness of your voice, for the words flow out smoothly.
To smell the once forgotten perfume left on to keep what kept you pure.
To touch the hair that flowed with luscious ambiguity.
And lastly, to see those eyes one more time.
The sparkling of hope showing love for the world around you,
nothing more could stop the love you had for people.
Even now, as you sit in my arms, dying.
I remember the moments that we cherished and what problems we may have faced,
no matter what though, I hug you one more time, for I long for your sweet embrace.