Poetic Dan

Stop questioning!

I\'m stuck in my car
It can\'t go anywhere
Not because it\'s broke
Because I was unaware


Before picking up the nozzle
Make sure it\'s the right one
Or you\'ll pay those people
To come make it freaking run


Yesterday I was frustrated how much fuel cost
I ended up paying more than five times that amount


I\'ll also admit I wasn\'t wanting to travel four hours in the car
Even though it was to see my daughters school performance


For this lack of patience and constant complaints
I got stuck watching over six hours creeping


In this time a frustrated tide began to rise and rise
To the point I lashed out to life, feeling undeserving off it all


I spent so many years being angry at my whole life
Now I know I needed it to grow and find my light


I\'ve turned it into love and tears but I can\'t turn the off switch
Now my nose is telling me it\'s hurting to much to cry


Going to bed last night I felt like the world didn\'t need my negativity
If you don\'t even want the next day to come why be here


Once again the universe showed me
Getting all call from my son in the morning


A kiss from my lady, even though I spoke out of turn the night before
Then a customer making me feel I help more than I thought


I think or hope I\'m slowly starting to understand
There\'s always an answer and most definitely a plan


One day I\'ll stop questioning all that I am!