
Who\'s Life Is This?

Who Am I


I’ve fallen in love

And maybe fallen out

Someone different I suppose

I’ve broken hearts along with mine

I’m waiting for it to be time

To let him go, if my feelings are no longer true

I’m at war with myself and he has no clue

Feelings come and go

Maybe my love did but maybe my confusion will pass

And I will be alone

He will have the right to accuse me of using him

And nothing I will say will make it fine again

He is blind and immature in good nature

I’m not ready to live an average life

I’m not ready to let go of the past

A child I could have mothered rests in my stomach

The man I thought I knew looking through a one way window

A tired girl standing in the mirror

Who have I become

A question I know not the answer

For I am holding onto the person I once was
