Tune: Hereford
(\'O thou who camest from above\')
Based on Galatians 3 v.10-14
We are made right, are justified
God, His grace to us not denied
We made righteous through Christ the Son
He redeems, saves us, holy one
I cannot bring an offering
Of my good deeds, no, not one thing
Will it achieve for salvation
Christ only saves, calls each nation
But now in Christ good deeds I do
Empowered by His Spirit new
Cursed every one hung on a tree
Christ on the cross-tree died for me
My sins there taken, there my place
He did take my curse by His grace
The curse to e\'er fulfil the law
In each detail, I fail for sure
My punishment on Jesus laid
He that day by Judas betrayed
Salvation now for all is seen
Washed in His blood, I now made clean
Not I alone, but all who will
Trust Him for their redemption still
Redeeming price, His life He paid
When He for us His life down laid