Kurt Philip Behm

As Ever Before (+6)

Often it’s just sound,

 searching for meaning


Until there’s a voice,

 and words start releasing


Then it’s the story,

 as language takes form


Together now one

  —as ever before


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)



Freedom\'s Ladder


The word ‘ABOUT’

 is like a ladder


From what is

 to what may be


Each rung a step

 in our perception


Climbing higher

 —to be free


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)



A Footnote To Plato


The nature of being,

 its whole and its parts


The nature of being,

 its fits and its starts


The nature of being

 the old and the new


The nature of being

 —to me and to you


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)




Eternity\'s Mark


Can time be discarded

 by reading your work


Your wisdom a birthstone,

 eternity’s mark


With experience salient,

 thoughts never to age


A voice for all seasons

 —the words of a sage


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)  



Joy Out Front


No matter how great the versing

 writing always lacks the note


That music plants inside our souls

 words by their nature rote


Its melody takes you skyward

 all reason left behind


Pure joy out front to then surround

 —what substitutes as mind


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)



Lost Grace


Oh, to be good

 at something I hate


Oh, to be bad

 at something I love


To lose what I love

 to gain what I hate


Ill tempered indifference

 —lost grace from above


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)



Undiscovered Reverie


Does infinity

 come in sizes


Does forever

 stop and start


Does totality beckon

 then fall away


 —dissolving into parts


Is gravity

 a lost dimension


Is pure mathematics

 number free


Is a concept real

 if it’s never been thought


  —undiscovered reverie


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)