Kurt Philip Behm

One Vow

A mind can love

 an atheist


But a soul must wed

 to God


Each troth professed

 by self possessed


One vow

 —to rise above


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)



A Promise Wed


The soul is not

 by nature born


Or by the earth



It kneels before

 loves distant star


Whose light

 —its promise wed


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)




Vanity\'s Ghost


The narcissism

 of small differences…


The egos crown

 of thorns


The sharper each

 individual barb


The more frequently

 it’s worn


A grand



Whose wind

 blows just one way


Into the face of

 vanity’s ghost


In jealous



(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)