
Reigning Realities

Tune: Monks Gate

(He who would valiant be\')


Psalm 98 v.1

Praise the LORD, His mercies tell

He has done all well

Marvellous things and true

Even unto you

His right hand, holy arm

Shall guard us, keep from harm

He has worked, victory

His ever shall be


Psalm 98 v.5-6

With harp sing to the LORD

He the living Word

Make His praise, with psalm sing

To Him worship bring

Take up all instruments

To praise Him sure from hence

Make joyful noise, he King

Let praises loud ring


Psalm 100 v.4-5

Enter in His gates, His courts

Praise Him, the exhorts

Be thankful to Him, bless

Him, the LORD no less

For He is good, and too

His mercy is as dew

E\'erlasting His truth sure

Endures for e\'ermore


Psalm 96 v.9-10

Worship the LORD in beauty

Of holiness, see

Fear before Him, all earth

And give Him His worth

Say among the heathen

God reigns among all men

He the LORD, high o\'er all

On Him humbly call