



The peaceful sun kissed vibrant coppice,

Is heaven to the roaming strolle,

Shafts of light dart \'cross leafy pathways,

Shadows dance twixt trees and bushes,

Swallows swoop flying wild and free,

Blue sky displayed just feathered cloud,

Loves emotions stir the heartbeat,

Eventide comes to call,


Just time to cross the stile,reach lakeside,

Where a Mother Swan glides with her Cygnets,

The blood red sunset beyond the hilltop,

Adds a tinge of colour to her pearl plumage,

Fox cubs play round an old oak tree,

As Roe Deer slake their evening thirst,

Differing shades of green abound,

He marvels imagery, unique in nature,


The inescapable march of time,

Takes it\'s toll this precious day,

As dusk unfolds the sun is gone,

A gold full moon lights up the sky,

Highlighting a night time summer shower,

Another twist in quirky nature,

The stroller listens to the gentle rain,

And late this night he drifts away.


