kevin browne

A Pain Appears.


If you dream along and 
let life make it worthwhile
to regain a pulsing vibe
or feel fancy-free beside.

The roots of your honesty
leaving myths behind you.
Then the seven wonders of
your own will be left behind
to discover intense reality in
any wonder in what you find.

From there on in things hurt
when understanding true you.
Scared sometimes, just horrid
If to start over with what you lost
playing fiddles second hand and
to reveal yourself as an idle cost
which you know reveals the heart.

Picking the pieces of fortune and
forgiving the past throughout, but
allowing the others to pick first hand
as they gather round muttering tut tut.

Temptations are on stand by virtue
mode just in case anything shows up
and sightings of reality reveal too much
of whatever happens when blood turns blue.

Because triumphs and disaster are true
to their actions upon which a pain appears.
Sticking to your heart a fraction of it may
run wild as the mountains can clearly hear.

To be a ticking time bomb in awe of 
a heartbeat leaving you all alone, and
let loose a way of spiritualistic healing
for your emotional pull of gravity itself
will lend a healing hand towards feelings.

Shut up and act out the thought of demise
to understand the existence of yourself.
Don\'t dream too much or not enough for 
neither will refrain from making results
in admiration of always looking for more
and in return, they\'ll never be more insults.

To live in the gracefully constructed pain
of the things you do which aren\'t the same
but, standards arise before the great you
and to make it a reality in everything you do.