
Traumatizing Wrenching Psychological Vicissitudes

Affliction with comprehension,

now plain as day

predisposition to experience

(particularly abstract) cognitive

acquisition assailed at bay

posits me to suspect mental

deficiency within gray

matter of yours truly, whose

academic track record lay

in abyssal ruins, and

as three score orbitz round

the sun, yours truly doth pay

a hefty emotional price oy vey,

the voluminous, onerous,

horrendous, and analogous

moribund Atlas I cannot pray

tell shrug off from me

mental jackknifed fountainhead,

especially asper today

mainly cuz this figurative

albatross doth weigh

heavily (increasing unbearable

suffocating burden) greater quay

king pronounced effort particularly

with every passing birthday


concomitant impossibility atoll

reef used breakaway

ramping up emotional agony

willpower to live doth decay

dichotomy crashes against livingsocial


Manichean struggle pronouncedly

evincing increased dark shadowed dismay

overarching edge of night evokes doomsday

seeping into every neurological estuary

paralyzing ability to function hamstrung


hidebound hundredfold salvation faraway

sinking me deeper within troubles

steeply suffocating restricting headway,

wherein convoluted corral like gray

matter signals distress call, sans mayday

with futility, whereby

this buoy anchored away

long since being marooned,

mired, and moored since screenplay


starring yours truly launch debut,

asper this lamentable genetic craft

bereft, forlorn, and luckless fey

e\'er bulwark permanently

stationed at sickbay!