
\"Did I Get Too Old For You?\"

Are you touching other young lovers

Each time I think of you

A nightmare with eyes wide open

Your fingertips burnt on my skin

I\'ve scraped and scrubbed them off

And the evidence is all gone

But it still lies behind my eyes and in my throat

Why does it close at the thought of you

And why was it open when I needed it

To shut and only open for help

Why have I run out of tears

My eyes never close long enough

To let them form

And in some ways you\'ve stayed innocent

And does your mother know your weakness

And do your friends know the truth

Because you left me burdened with it

I let you walk away countless times

Because you\'ve always come back to play

Now you left me empty and confused

Wishing the best for me as if you\'d care

And I drank it up to replace my self-esteem

You left me with multiple questions yet I only have this one

\"Did I get too old for you?\"

