Alex PB

Do they actually care?

People that say they care about you,

Are also the first to leave,

The first day the make you smile,

The next, they make you cry.


I sometimes wish things were different,

That perhaps, someone,

Actually cared, when you made a mistake,

They don\'t shout at you, they still love you.


But love, it isn\'t a thing for me,

It\'s an emotion deep in my heart,

Deep in my soul, that has,

That has been broken down,

Beaten to the floor, 

And never been helped,

Never, been helped.


Why put on a fake smile,

When you can cry?

Why still be alive,

when you can die?

Why say you\'re OK,

When you\'re actually not?

It\'s because you\'re judged.


But when you ask if they care,

They say yes,

When you ask them to stay, 

They leave.


Because nobody actually cares,

Nobody actually listens,

When you cry,

They laugh, and you cry more,

But when they cry,

And you laugh,

Nothing is the same.


They accuse you of wrong!

They accuse you for your birth!

They accuse you for your life!

Because when they cry and you don\'t care,

YOU are the bad person,

YOU are the problem.

The issue. The reason for their hate.


But when you cry and they don\'t care,

You try to hide,

Because you are alone in the world,

Nobody is there to hear you, 

To hug you when you\'re sad,

And that\'s when you realize,

They don\'t care.