Ariel Perez

My business

You can question me

But you can\'t possibly understand

You are fed with a silver spoon 

Living in a mansion your parents built themselves

Buying makeup and Gucci with no turning back

While I struggle to eat one meal a day

Battling with high school and college and more

While I am degraded for the clothes I wear

And who I desire to be


You are You and I am Me

And that is all I will ever want to be

Because my dad tries to put food on our table 

My mom tries to help out with her unbalanced back

\"I am sorry I don\'t mean to attack\"

How could you possibly understand my frustration with this situation 

I am here for school not here to sit around and play pool on my phone like you always do

Im sorry I cant possibly relate to your life

You struggle what shirt from channel to wear while I struggle to find what fits me

I don\'t mean to be mean but you need an explanation?

My life is mine, I don\'t need any help from a big spender to tell me what to wear or buy

This is MY time and I\'ll spend it how I like because I was raised right

I will do with what I want and what I can

Man I am mad

You can\'t understand

You just can\'t

You can try but you will fail

My life is a mess 

Im battling with anxiety, depression,high school, college and my obsession

I need to figure out how to send my teacher a message

\"Sorry I can\'t make it to your trip you paid for, my mom made plans\"

I can\'t say that

My mom has broken her back trying to give me my dreams

I am not going to waste it just for a school trip machine

You obviously can because your built with your mommy and daddies money

I am sorry was that mean?

I hope it was

and then maybe you will learn to leave me be

My life is mine and it is not yours to fix

I can handle this