I can\'t speak english properly
because of the drugs I do naturally
tend to affect the way I talk
the way I walk, the way I cope
No I\'m not a dope, in my own top
I\'m ranking higher than the Pope
I always search I never stop.
( life is nothing but a slippery rope
you trying to climb but at the end there\'s no hope )
I believe the only hope is at the end of the a slippery rope
I like to joke when I don\'t have both
Everything is satirically funny
when your life revolves around money
when anything they want from you are just sugar and honey
no substance no depth no empathy just money !!!
Everyday is just like the day before but worse
with the same perspective of the future of course
And nobody seems to realise
That they are wearing robot suits and digital eyes
living with their feet on the ground but their heads in the skies
some chasing the dragons some chasing a pay rise
They just want more and more but it\'s never enough
love is not real if is not a bit ruff
and the only achievement at the end of their short path
it\'s an ironic long epitaph .
I\'m calling on your bluff.
Self obsessed clinically depressed
it\'s all about looks nobody reads books
All there is is vain to disguise the pain
designed to retain all the things you blame
Your true self it\'s an avatar
While you\'re body hangs in an abattoir
And reality becomes Picasso, Dali, or a Renoir.
Într-un stil ordinar
mă metamorfozez în cuvinte pe jar
și prefer să văd jumătatea plină de pahar.
Trebuie să gîndesc pozitiv
și să cînt și să judec obiectiv
Și cînd o să mor, o să mor involuntar
că să verific dacă-într-adevăr sufletul cîntărește doar 3 grame
pe cîntar.
To be continued... Beauty doesn\'t know colour