Kurt Philip Behm

The Jester Laughs (+10)

The ‘Deceivers Of Time

 Masquerade Ball’


Invitees file past


Yesterday in drag,

 Tomorrow disguised


Today—the Present’s mask


Memories hide

 in the shadows of hope


All wishes dancing fast


Until the Jester laughs

 as the final waltz ends


Deception to the last


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)



The True Cost


Its answer never welcome…

   “The Price Of Joy Is Pain”


The question forever mired

   —in perpetual disdain


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)






Has a room built in

For the reader

To crawl inside

And sleep



More than one room,

Unmaking all beds

That the Poet

  —has so carefully made


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Words Of Hope


Left on their own,

  my words turn to prayer


Renewing my faith

  —confirming You’re there


Spoken aloud,

  they lodge in my soul


Warming my heart

  —and keeping me whole


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)

     \'From The Book Of Prayers\'



A Tinge Of Lilac


My window opens wider,

  as my focus narrows down


The words are now much richer

  than what I used to think profound


The light brings joy and substance,

  filling corners deep and closed


Its breezes tinged with lilac

  —all negatives exposed


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Solus Ipse


Not like her,


Not like him,


Not like you

  —I write!


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




The Sun Will Come Up


 The warts are ugly,

  the wrinkles deep


The flesh now sagging,

  deprived of sleep


The eyesight failing,

   with hearing gone


But words still call

  —from tomorrow’s song


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)


   \'From The Book Of Prayers\'



In Memoriam


His funeral



His pallbearers

  the written word


His gravesite

  an ashen memory


His legacy

  —in futures heard


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




From The Darkness


The only sin uncommitted

  —is the one unknown


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)





A strange thing happens

  once you’re as old as your heroes


The mystery less enchanting,

  the romance nearly gone


A stranger thing happens

  when you outlive your heroes


The nuances shouting boldly

   —permission now won


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




Timeless Attraction


The gravity of words,

 their truth pulls together


A force field of enlightenment

 —beyond the continuum of time


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)



1 + 1 = 1



  truth here and truth there


Unmeasured duality,

 a mirror contraire


Whose message lies distant,

 whose message lies near


A Siamese phantom,

 both fronts facing rear


The sublime contradiction,

  one plus one equals one


Their natures poetic

 —each truth zero sum


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)