kevin browne

Weep Over Love.


One more time I lay her down to rest
to make her better and to do my best.
As a glint poured out from in her eyes
to feel pain, her sorrows and her cries.

Upon her breast, I\'ll lay my head to rest
to feel her heartbeat and to make a nest.
As she slowly wakes another glinted eye
falls beside as she tells me \"don\'t cry\".

Fairy-tale, can she wear me a glass shoe?
Dream along with life and whatever I\'ll do.
For her imaginations far outstretched mine
that\'s okay, it\'s cool, and everything\'s fine.

And, to take her by the hand and worship 
desires we\'ll have without the rubbish bits.
And, as the room slowly darkens I sleep
to dream far away from here, and to weep.

Weep over love turns tears into delirium
for weathers foreseen comes storming in.
And, love over life reveals her true self
to demand, to offer, to shine and to help.

And by the way, her dress falls to the floor
as another glinted eye calling out for more.
To kiss, to fall in love, to reminisce about it
filling everything in and to put love where it fits.

As the curtains allow the Sun to shine through
misty mornings drip their tears of joy for youth.
And, lovers live alongside their beauty of life
to brighten the day and to live without a fight.

One last time I\'ll lay your head down tonight
before love falls over your feet stumbling on.
But, when my lover keeps on with all her might
that\'s okay, it\'s cool, but everything has gone.

My head next to hers I\'d just like to say thank you
for letting it happen and to fill in everything we do.
One last love song sings alongside its merry ways.
Love is to hold, to cherish, to keep and hope it stays.