
4am Headaches

What about the darkness sparks your interest? 

The definite safety of having a shadow to hide in? Coward.

The fun thriller adventure that your social media feeds make it out to be? Idiot. 

You\'re walking around blinder than a bat 

and you\'re acting like a dog

You\'re chasing your own tail!

There\'s nothing here.


Oh you\'re still here ?

Well since you are here...

Would you like to become acquainted with the quote unquote monsters that linger within these realms?

Are you lost ?

Are you sure ?

I can\'t give you back once I take you in.

You\'re here till the fat lady sings though everyone here looks as if they\'re in a concentration camp 

We\'re starving 

Our souls are hungry 

We\'d starve to death but we\'re too afraid of being forgotten so we hang on 

\"Just a little longer\" we say

\"Someone will come along and care\" 

we hope