
What they don’t tell you

People say that time heals all wounds 

What they don’t tell you is about the time before you heal

The pain, the loneliness, not being able to recall memories because it hurts

They don’t tell you that’ll you’ll cry yourself to sleep

They don’t tell you that you’ll always miss your loved ones that are gone

They don’t tell you that there are days where you wish you were dead so you can be with them again

And they don’t tell you about the guilt you feel when you start to heal

That maybe you shouldn’t be moving on yet, it’s an insult to their memory

But moving on can bring you peace,

Maybe there will come a time when you can think of them; a brother, sister, mother, father, grandmother, or grandfather. Maybe you can think of them without crying at the memories 

Oh it will be hard, but the smallest things can bring peace 

A cardinal perched in a tree by you, a flower blooming, a child laughing

You will heal, but it will hurt