
Of Cathedrals And Dragons

More money than most of us will ever have....

£86 million promised by a billionaire...

To rebuild the Notre Dame Cathedral

\'Could not this money have been given to the poor?\'

As is said in part of this Holy Week readings


Though Judas Iscariot only said that, John\'s Gospel says

Because he cared not for the poor

But was a thief - in charge of the money-bags!

It was when Mary poured ointment on Jesus

A box worth over 10 months wages

All in one go!


Yes, Churches, Cathedrals - God\'s houses

\'Thing\'s to maintain - buildings, fixtures, fittings, etc

Well, the money will help indirectly

In people\'s spiritual progress.....

But \'Could not this money have been given to the poor?\'


Why so much mourning over a building?

Great and wonderful as it is

Same as \'Dragon\'s Den\' and things like that

The millionaires are wise

But won\'t part with money for free

To be expected maybe...

But they would hardly miss the amounts they do give

And they want percentage returns

To amass even more money


What to do, if £86 million grew on trees?

Well, it does - paper notes made from trees!

Though if it magically fell to earth for us

Would we give...

\'Could not this money have been given to the poor?\'


A poor widow in Jesus\' days gave two mites

The smallest amount....

He said she gave more than all the rich people

As she gave her all....