

I’m realizing you never fully heal from a heartbreak.

You adapt, and you learn to live with the pain.

Or, if you’re like me, you just ignore those feelings and push them away until you can’t any more.

Until one day... you simply fall apart.

It’s been years and suddenly I find myself thinking about you daily. 

Wondering if I made the right choice. 

Wondering why you didn’t stop me that day.

Mostly though... wondering why I was not enough...

We had our ups. We had our downs.

We had some really great times, and we had some really dark ones.

Do you remember all the nights we just laid in the grass, staring at the stars? 

All the nights it was just us? No pressure from the outside world.

Do you remember the plans we made for our future together? 

Does it hurt you to know I’m having a child that isn’t yours? 

Because it breaks my heart that someone else is carrying yours. 

Its been years.

We are the past. 

And yet... this heartbreak is so real.

I guess when you truly love someone, it really doesn’t ever go away.