
My hurt world

land full of oil 

tainted air and polluted soil.

America in its bubble spoiled adults raising spoiled boys and girls. 

My Mother Earth my hurt world. 

A baby born in a room full of tears and laughter.

prepare the best you can we can never avoid a natural disaster.

to you i was given and I would not want any other I had flash backs of falling tears from my mother.

quiet but hard to catch her breath.

lost after her fathers death.

it leaves my heart to ache and my blood boil.

my hurt mother my hurt world.

I lost who I am, I hate who I become.

no love for myself no love from someone.

some are meant to be alone 

here’s to the days I wish a bullet went through my dome.

my family and friends I love you to no end. 

Without youi couldn’t be let’s not pretend.....

to see change I have to be change

my hurt world it’s time to heal 

I feel your pain I know it’s real

I hurt too it hurts to feel