
Harbour Side

Harbour Side


The moon this night

Is ours

My very special friend

Tis ripe and ready for

The taking

Bathe naked in its glow

And stack those pretty

Smiles of yours

In row pon row on row


Then keep those eyes

Wide open gazing  

Glazed till overcome

He wants to take you

By the harbour

Where gulls bad boys and

Voyeurs queue and argue

Each vying for a better view


Yes twas there in spite of 

Saline sea sprayed wetness

Each enjoyed so much

That both were overcome

Face down and barely moving

Pleading long and loud tho

Like they’d not done since

They were very very young


Oh’ love I need to feel you

Pulsing pushing stroking

Do come inside I beg thee

Then afterwards when

Hardly breathing aching tho

On harbour side until the very

End of ends I’m yours

My very very special friend