
Gethsemane Garden

Tune: Winchester New

(\'Ride on, ride on in majesty\')

Mark 14 v.32-42


Sit you here while I go and pray

Jesus to disciples did say

In garden of Gethsemane

His work to bring redemption free


He sore amazed, in deep distress

His soul troubled He did confess

Exceeding sorrowful was he

Disciples were to a watch be


He prayed that if the hour may

So pass away from Him that day

Said, Abba, Father, all things are

Possible to you, be not far


Be not far from my help, but do

Take away this cup and me view

How it is cup of suffering

And yet it shall salvation bring


Nevertheless not what I will

But I set to obey you still

For if you will, I will it take

And do your will here for love\'s sake


If cup of suffering not drank

No salvation, to Him no thank

Given, but He man\'s destiny

Held in His hands that night-watch, see


Though disciples did fall asleep

And did not faithful watching keep

Yet now the hour, betrayal

Christ would go on to die for all


Lord give us grace in temptation

The harder way it not to shun

Jesus did die and rose again

Saviour of children, women, men