He was a simple,
and humble man.
Yet, he had,
the greatest plan.
He told the truth.
He never shyed.
Still, he was not afraid,
to expose a lie.
There was something about Him.
He was more than ordinary.
He much more than just,
the son of Joseph and Marry.
He was the Son of God,
The Finale Sacrifice,
who would die for us,
so we may have life.
- Truely This Man is The Son of God -
He resurrected from the dead.
His friends thought,
He was missing,
but the strange people,
at the tomb,
said that He had risen.
He eventually,
ascended into Heaven,
leaving two things behind;
The Holy Spirit for all generations,
and the promise,
that He would return,
for His people,
when it was time.