lucifer very very very 1st

a flash of love

love is a flash of a news

love outweigh the news

love outweigh the flash of the news

news outweigh the news of a flash

news outweigh the news of love

a news of flash is a news of love

outweigh is outweighing a flash of a news


sensation is sensation of a flash

sensation is sensation of a news

sensation is a news flash sensation

sensation is a news flash love

sensation is outweighing sensation to its news

sensation is outweighing sensation to its love

sensation is outweighing sensation to its flash of love


love is a flash of sensation

love is a flash of a flashing sensation

love is a flash of a flashing news sensation

the love of sensation is the love of the news

the love of sensation is the love of a flashing news

a flash of sensation is a flash of a news

a flashing flash is a flash of a flashing love