
Magnanimous Man My Papa – Ha!

Flagrant red hot poker rage

lacerated upon the head of this sole

male offspring, sans he who did

help to sire me, his vitriolic baggage

inflicted like graped shot,

and deployed barrage

also akin to inflicting searing,

menacing, and branding iron wrath

left indelible psychological blockage

insufferable emotional constipation,

wrought wretched state of human bondage

resultant outcome witnessed breakage

of spirit, when hateful scathing verbal damage

invoked, exploded, and bombed mine psyche,

especially during mein late

adolescent, and into latter adult stage,

particularly cuz this anxiety riddled Harris

exhibited no ambition to earn a living wage,

nor maximize on any inherent strengths

thus this then much younger body electric

oscillated with zero voltaic amperage,

which family of origin assemblage

dynamic ratched tension nsync

on par with hotly contesting arbitrage

additionally compounded by

indifference toward parents, a disadvantage

living under their same roof,

mama\'s and papa\'s patience

wore thin, second progeny they did disparage

punctuated with ultimatums toward me,

which did nothing to assuage

intolerable passive resistance stance,

thus expletive laced

\"midnight lectures\" dosage

occurred a bajillion

times per week on average

annihilating my self esteem,

wherein this native son felt

less worthy than bacteriophage

analogous to useless atrophied appendage

yours truly emotional detachment

heck, I may as well have been

ice sill hated in Anchorage,

cuz me negligible care and/or concern

amplified palpable uneasiness, a drainage

in tandem with estrangement fueled umbrage.