Poetic Dan

Thank you for triggering my train

I got hit with a memory from someone else\'s work

Little did I know there was still pain in that world

A feeling from a few weeks after my marriage ended.



My reality was falling apart

I was walking lost in the dark

Finding myself at their door

Curling up and crying, no more!


My life was being pulled away

Then handed back another day

Unable to turn back the clock

Stuck in a world I didn\'t want



Nearly 8 years have now passed, I\'m forgiving my past

To that young man at 30 thinking he had no path

Being a part time father didn\'t mean he\'d be half

There was much more work to do on his own heart

So I\'m now removing it from being left on that step

As I finally understand in this reality, I actually make it!



Onwards and upwards

With peace and respect

Forgive don\'t forget

With no regrets