Mirela Athanas

Two small bread crumbs and a seagull


Two small bread crumbs is what he got,
The homeless man in the far corner,
Scared by night, hungry and abandoned,
He cut one in half and asked for water,
But the good Samaritan was already gone,
Very fast, as if annoyed by the honor,
The honor of giving and helping the unknown,
He only gave two crumbs alone ~
Two crumbs! Then wondered no more
The homeless man, these are so small,
The world must be shaken to the core,
It was once limitless he did recall,
How come that now this is the norm,
When even a good Samaritan
Gave two and only two crumbs alone.

Well, he thought, I know how to survive,
One half today, its evening already,
One half tomorrow in the morning
And then, I\'ll have enough until Wednesday.

He counted the bread crumbs over and over,
Wait, I think I have a better idea,
Were I to cut them only by a quarter,
Then I can push until good Friday.

Forgot he did that he also needed water,
And who would the one be to give him that?
Or might he as well wait for the rain and showers,
At times nature was even more generous than man.

He just stood up and threw the crumbs in air,
Bread crumbs are for birds and not for men,
I will not eat to dignify who gave and ran,
So thank you, but I will not despair!
And stand here kneeling for grace and mercy,
When there\'s none or so very little around,
In humans, blindfolded by dollar signs;

So here my friend the seagull take these and fly,
Go to lands where crumbs are glorified,
I\'m not proud standing to beg for mercy and wait to die,
It\'s not my choice, but with two crumbs, I certainly might.

The seagull flew way up in the sky,
The man, suddenly started to sing a song,
He wasn\'t sitting anymore, but walking head up high,
And sang with a deep voice coming out of his soul,
\"Flew the seagull to the sky,
See how high, See how high,
No one could keep him tied,
Not with bread crumbs, not with lies,
Flew the seagull to the sky,
See how free, see how high,
His wings stretched out, see how far,
Flew the seagull to the sky….\"

People gathered around him,
Asking, who was he, what was that hymn,
When would his next performance be,
So they could buy tickets, and go see,
To applaud his talent and bravo scream,
How could such a good a singer a homeless play.

\"Flew the seagull to the sky,
Passers by, passers by,
See how high, see how high, \"
He continued
\"My next performance you will see,
When I fly as high as him,
Free, dignified and glorified, indeed,
So hurry passers by, passers by,
Make me proud to be among you,
Am I a singer playing the homeless guy,
Or a homeless, singing, as the seagulls fly
Flew the seagull to the sky,
See how high, see how high….\"

Mirela Athanas