Kurt Philip Behm

Lies To Withstand (+13)

Journalistic integrity…

  give me a break


Your lies are on fire,

  there’s hell at the gate


Journalistic integrity,

  the wages of sin


All truth has been twisted,

  your speech has worn thin


Journalistic integrity,

  oxymoron disclosed


Two words now in conflict,

  their corruption exposed


Journalistic integrity,

  death by your own hand


All blame you relinquish

  —your lies to withstand


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Memory Hacked


When you’re inside,

  you can always get out


But stuck outside,

  you must plead and then shout


“please let me

 “please let me

  “please let me in”


This darkness unending,

  my veneer wearing thin


“please let me

 “please let me

  “please let me back”


My key has been stolen

  —my memory hacked


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Glass Houses


Stopping just short of judgment,

  his mind took a leap


Whose soul rose as substance,

  now ready to speak


Words before never uttered,

  or spoken in vain


This acknowledgement followed,

  crying out in refrain…


“The joy in the brotherhood

   all torment by choice


 “To share in celebration,

   we alone can’t rejoice


 “The critic inside us,

   the judger of sins


 “Is best left in silence,

   till it targets within”


As time will remind us,

  and these words will recall


All biting reprisal

  —the coward’s downfall


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)






Remembering my Grandfather,

  forgetting my Dad


Wanting to be near him,

  paternal influence bad


He loved without question,

  his smile blocked the sun


And without his embracing

  —my life on the run


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




Lost Sounds


Written fragments

Broken songs

Stepping stones

To hope beyond


Music absent

Long at bay

Vagrant notes

  —last wish to play


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Twins Of Siam


You stir it one way, and they the other,

  but the mixture stays just as hot


You attack their motives, and they attack yours,

  while the contents boil and rot


“It needs to be this way”… the other side revolts,

  “Your mind’s faulty with avarice and greed”


The pot has simmered; the broth is thick,

  and its bottom not easy to see


A mutual exclusion, first left and then right

  a feast—all soul’s consumed


With spoon or fork, its offering slick,

  when the bowls come out at noon


In single file, day turns into night,

  pointed talk with nothing said


Both cupboard’s bare, two rat’s within,

  guarding their last crust of bread


When the final story is written and told,

   of what in concert you destroyed


A drum will beat, zero-sum complete,

  leaving you soulless—but still conjoined


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June,2016)




In Your Eyes


Day surrounds your memory,

  as evening frames your smile


But what I most remember

  —is morning in your eyes


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Transformed Divine


Reading for inspiration

  and not for fact


The words paint a picture

  in my mind


Like dominoes falling

  one by one


Each letter then the next

  so inclined


My fingers enliven

  and start to draw


A vivid story

  new image sublime


All colors reborn

  as each phrase is set free


The ink now transformed

  —and divine


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




Until It Will


It isn’t…

  until it is


It wasn’t…

  until it was


It shouldn’t be…

  until it should


It won’t be…

  —until it will


 (Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



\'At Bay\'


Start looking outside your frame of reference,

  for that which will stand you alone


Stop longing for praise or high endorsement,

  things only borrowed or loaned


Start feeling those words you preach unto others,

   no longer hiding yourself away


Stop blaming the time and the message it brings

  —for those excuses that keep you ‘at bay’


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



The Dance


Prose or Poetry,

  the music is calling


A waltz or a tango

 —conjecture or blood


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Academia\'s Lantern


Formal education,

 requires a fence


With borders to confine,

 and logic intense


Three letters that matter,

 the I, S, and M


Each school suffixed over,

 its member’s defend


Realism, Rationalism,

 Idealism all…


Each name its own failing,

 as verity calls


 True thought has no class

 or Academie named


It stands on its own,

 the truth its sole claim


With knowledge in conflict,

 the days turn to night


Academia’s lantern

 —burned out in the fight


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)




The Devil\'s Luck


You can’t step into the same river twice,

 and have the water be the same


You can’t throw wishes into the wind,

 and recall them time unclaimed


You can’t put a baby back in the womb,

 once the cord of life has been cut


And you can’t change a lie into the truth,

 your intention—the devil’s good luck


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)



Darkness To Dawn


No one ever dies for an idea,

 until it changes to a feeling


No one ever dies for a feeling

 —until darkness points to dawn


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)