
Blood and Spirit Merge

They say He was a perfect man…can such a man there be?

Of all who lived upon the earth…this is the One… is He?

His Father lives in heaven’s realm--He supplies the immortal seed

His mother raised in His homeland- her seed: the one that bleeds


His immortal spirit and flesh combine, He lived, then died when hewn

His flesh interred, His spirit rose to return to heaven’s womb

His mission was not common, for his Father said “return

And reclaim your body left behind”… which was his utmost yearn


He died, was buried because of mom, but then was bid to rise

His Father’s power could pull Him back, even though his body dies

A short-time battle then ensued between earth’s pull and heavens’

But earth’s attraction did not win…His body rose like leaven.


His dough was first assayed, then rose, His need above was greater

The other dough much longer took, its’ time to rise was later

The Bread of Life once risen up became man’s greatest baker

When His siblings’ dough was kneaded here- they rose; He was their Anchor


So men can now themselves raise up, their Master added yeast

They’ll first be kneaded, twisted, pressed, then join in heaven’s feast

This feast is hosted at the end by the Master and His Father

If you haven’t been invited yet, please prepare and take the bother


c aaron