
Let\'s take a walk

Let\'s take a walk

He tapped my shoulder
And got my attention
Daydreaming was I
Lost in my thoughts

You look troubled, said he
Life sucks, doesn\'t it
From the moment
One is born,
Till the day
One dies
It\'s just
One issue after another

Let\'s take a walk, said he
So I got up
Dusted the sand off my butt
And we started strolling

You know
When I started this journey
I thought I knew it all
Seeded all the plants
Along with all the creatures
Frolicking, like innocent babes

Then something went wrong
I think it was the numbers game
It was easy to take care of a few
But now there are too many

Everybody looks to me
When they are troubled
Hoping that I\'ll wave a wand
And poof! It\'ll be all gone

They got what they wanted
Wanted to think for themselves
No longer be babied
No longer my involvement

But you know
I am cursed
I am all knowing
I know who\'s doing
What, where and when
From bacteria to gargantuan

I can\'t help one
Without the other getting pissed off
I am left with few options
Either, to let this ride
Or, or nothing

I know what\'s troubling you
But you no longer knock on my door
I also know, why not
So you see
Just like you
I am troubled too

Thanks for letting me talk
Thanks for taking this walk