
Consanguinity Begets Anomalies

Offspring between close family members

not biologically fit nor ablest

even if direct immediate relations

consider themselves best

buddies, emotionally intimate, and offload

heavy matters weighing down

on their respective figurative chest,

cuz lurking within brethren and cistern genes,

and/or chromosomes dwell deadliest

nastiest, and weakest link undermining

searingly robust reproductive human stock,

thru molecular hijacking gungho extremest


right wing trumpeting malefactor breeding

distilling, fomenting, et cetera the faintest

self destructive invisible agents provocateurs

dredging existentially faultiest

predispositions, and vulnerabilities

compromising in utero body electric,

asper offspring saddled with funniest

itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow Polka dot bikini

donned flesh impossible to remove,

which surgery could imperil and render feeblest

unto Caesar, an ides of march, sans flimsiest

excuse for a successor

to the royal porcelain throne,

which progeny could exhibit the frailest

constitution, and possibly appear as freakiest

looking hominid this side of Schwenksville

with napped hair most frizziest

affixed to a beanpole gangliest

androgynous cisgender metasexual

being description also including geekiest,

not to mention ghastliest

simple minded looking gruesomest

human being, who presents grimmest

prospects quite dim tubby happiest

bellowing soul since...incest

came back in vogue when polar vortex

ushered necessity to bed with kindliest

people professing unconditional love.