
A Very Happy Birthday

I can’t help feeling anxious
My birthday’s getting closer
So many years have passed
I’ve finally turned the corner.

Early memories emerge
Snapshots in time, eyes wide open
I hear my mother’s loving voice
While my Father gently holds me.

I take my first few baby steps
I’m falling down, my Mom just caught me!
I hear my father’s nervous laugh
My head just hit the floor below me...

I’m in my teens, all eyes on me
I’m told by others how to be
Guys pressure me, I need to score
There are social rules I can’t ignore.

The alarm goes off, I’m late for school
I’m still too shy and insecure...
I need to learn how to survive
Rejection hurts; boys can be cruel.

As I mature and take a stand
I have no need to keep reflecting
I’m accepting who I am
Not everyone is going to love me.

I just don’t care what people say
I have no need to say I’m sorry
I’m beginning to understand
Who I am and where I\'m going.

My personality’s now defined
It took some work but here I am
I know my place; It took some time
I going to get the things I want.

And all the years I’ve been alive
Prepared me for this very moment
I now clearly understand
The man I am, I feel so lucky!

And If my journey is in fact
A quest to find what makes me happy
I bless every tear and every smile
‘Cause in the end I finally found it.