
Communion Charis

Charis = gift of grace.

Tune: St Margaret

(\'O love that wilt not let me go\')


In Communion, remembrance

Your gracious presence we here sense

Your body broken and your blood shed

You died, now risen from the dead

You e\'er our living Head


Your grace shown here, in your atonement

Yu came from heaven, by Father sent

To do His will, bring salvation

Open to all, every nation

Whate\'er race or station


Your life given for me, so I

Confide, put faith in you, ne\'er die

Fro you for all mankind atone

\'Tis you that saves, and you alone

No other Way is known


Not adding to, nor subtracting

To this, we safe under your wing

God\'s righteous judgement you did bear

For us, in it we due a share

But you for us did care


Making forgiveness possible

To each who repent, on you call

Our place now in you Christ it be

We accepted by God, we see

Through you propitiously*


* propitiously - appeasing, or making atonement

to a god, spirit, person.