Kurt Philip Behm

In Constancy Redeemed (+13)

Colors overtake me one by one,

 as they fuse within my mind


To paint their ancient messages,

 prismatic and sublime


The past is but enigma,

 tomorrow still a dream


This moment’s image all that lasts

 —in constancy redeemed


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)



Time Unfolds


In my heart I knew little of

 the world and all its parts


As I drifted idle and wandered blind,

 through constant fits and starts


My mind reached out beyond its grasp,

 with the questions close behind


As time unfolded upon itself

 —each moment to define


(Villanova Pennsylvania: April, 2019)




First Cut



  not repeating


The weakness

  of all refrain


A first cut,

  true and deepest


Once healed

  —its scar remains


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




File Or Burn


Seeing better from a distance,

  than you ever could up close


The memories play like children,

   in voices that you spoke


The truth is where you find it,

   every season, every turn


Where space becomes entitled

  —your soul to file or to burn


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




False Reflection


 Stop trying to be a poet,

  and say what you feel


Kill off the dilettante,

  both hands on the wheel


In front of the mirror,

  we all wear a crown


Will your verses be written

  —by a sage or a clown


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)  



Nature In Play


The Russians have taught me

  that nothing has changed


Instead of Nazis and Fascists,

  we have terrorists to blame


Whether Turgenev or Chekhov,

  Tolstoy or Marx


When our nature’s in play

  —much of life remains dark


(Wayne Pa.-Minella’s Diner: June, 2016)



Fallen Blooms



  conceived in perfection


Are born

  to disappoint


As reality



Hopes and wishes



(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




The Devil\'s Chalice


My cup runneth over,

  your chalice half full


The emptiness suspect,

  both murky and dull


It shines on the outside,

  jewels christened with fire


But to drink from that potion

  —forever a liar


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




A Vow To Myself


I asked for your blessing,

  instead you explained


What I should be paying

  to garner acclaim


You told me if only

  I’d do it this way


My words could have meaning

  and influence—sway


But power and fortune

  are not what I sought


If influence only

  gets brokered and bought


So the blessing passed over,

  no bribery done


A last vow to myself

  —from you I must run


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




Magnificent Silence


Not to argue about Poetry

  or justify Prose


Not to discuss their many virtues

   or interpretive flows


I choose to remain quiet,

  and let the words carry on


Where in magnificent silence

  —they turn into song


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)



Its Reckoning Comes


Is God to interpret,

  and religion the why


Is forever too heavy

  to pledge bye and bye


Does the Devil provide balance

  to a concept in stone


Is he laughing inside us,

  mocking all that we know


Is the Lord left to children

   and those purest of heart


Is all truth chained to symbols,

  has its lock come apart


Are the years there to change us,

  is each day meant to count


Are the scriptures worth hearing,

  if belief has to shout


To those fanatics among us,

   yes, you know who you are


A power looms distant,

  beyond testament’s scar


Its claim staked by no one,

  its icon’s unseen


And its reckoning comes

  —when you wake from this dream


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




Remembered In Time


Writing in meter, ending in rhyme,

  the journey became clear

   —destination in mind


Writing in meter, ending in rhyme,

  my words tunneled inward

   —their meaning sublime


Writing in meter, ending in rhyme,

  free of the ramble

   —heartbeat aligned


 Writing in meter, ending in rhyme,

   the feeling immortal

    —remembered in time


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




Unbaptized Words


Certificate unsigned,

  pen firmly in hand


The bliss not for barter,

  its insight free-stands


Faith and acceptance

  may go where they please


To my grave and beyond,

  the verse teaches and frees


No savior I ask for,

  forgiveness I shun


Redemption for others,

  new ink on the run


Till one day uncovered,

  hidden deep on the shelf


A message unchristened,

   buried dark and unfelt


Where the voice I was gifted,

  and the music I heard


In themselves live forever

  —free unbaptized words


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)




Casting Shame


By darkness I trolled

  in my oft-shedding skin


Hidden alleys I roamed

  for new victims at whim


But at last I must face

  the deception I’ve wrought


And repay every memory

  that festers and rots


As my twisted rebellion

  turns its anger within


No forgive or forgetting

  or my blaming the gin


In the few moments left

  as I slither and weave


Still bearing false witness

  against those I’ve deceived


My venom gets swallowed

  death final and small


With the light I once blocked

  —casting shame on it all


(Villanova Pennsylvania: June, 2016)