Mirela Athanas

We loved each other between dreams

We loved each other in between Dreams
When stars rose high, and us asleep;
By wish, each shooting star at us would beam,
Enlightening the door of lover\'s keep.

That Door was opened, in every dream,
To enchanting tales, and worlds not seen,
We entered, as lovers enter the sublime,
Our Hearts held keys beyond realities!

We loved each other in between nights,
When stars rose bright, and us asleep;
Distant, as stars, but so near our hearts,
Staying together, dream after dreaming deep.

We loved each other in Dreams, where we belonged,
Lips that didn\'t kiss, kissed passionately there,
Unsung Melodies, were Danced for long,
Walks by sunsets in the sand, done with no end...

So, my love, nothing was lost, nothing gone,
Our love was saved by never ending dreams,
My love, your love, was engraved in that door,
Where dreams meet reality, the Door that never sleeps.