Dear My Friend, Ana

I hate you

I hate you because you

you are a mirror of me.


I hate you because you show me

how weak I am

and tell me its strength.


You keep me up late at night

You force me

to hold back from life.


You tell me in just one more week

two more weeks with you

everything is fine.


You tell me you

encourage, but you

seek only to destroy.


You make me want to kill myself

but if I die I won\'t

reach your goal.


Your standard is a curse

and I am an explorer

in a labyrinth.


You are vice

which means I 

have sinned.


You are the reason for my every waking second

You\'re a punishment

You\'re my breath

You\'re a coward

You\'re clingy

You\'re a badge

You\'re a sash on my chest

You\'re my eyes

You\'re my brain

You\'re my personality

You\'re a demon

You\'re a killer

You\'re a prison for those unlucky enough to believe you.


and I need you


You\'re the double hips

and round stomachs

and flabby arms

You are my worst enemy

The ground I stand on

The legs I stand with

You are a plague

That I was willing to catch.

You\'re my outfits

that I, myself, dawned.


You kill me.

You drain me.






just two more weeks.


One more week.

