Kurt Philip Behm

Seasons Recouple (+2)

There’s comfort in knowing,

  things come and they go


The wind brings a newness,

  whether lilac or snow


There’s joy in all laughter,

   freely accrued


Music in words,

  spoken only by you


A place to be born,

  a moment to die


An ending beginning,

  last chance to decide


That question unasked,

  its answer unclaimed


Both orphans of joy

  … no adopted refrain


To sing from the rafters,

  an unfinished hymn


That angel before you,

   the angel within


Death’s only proffer

  …remembrance to lose


As the seasons recouple

  —your world again new


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)






I hate the word clever,

  it seeks to demean


With hidden entendre’

  and devious schemes


I hate how it sounds,

  as it rolls off the tongue


To strike from all language

   —if my power was sum


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)




Words Unspoken


Have your words stayed unspoken,

   to mislead or confuse?


Those phrases kept distant,

  the voice of the Muse?


Have your words stayed unspoken,

  as you’ve traveled in vain?


Your mileposts painted,

  with fury and pain?


Have your words stayed unspoken,

   are your motives still pure?


Your thoughts as intended

   —or to even the score?


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)



Never To Last


All time shattered memory,

  and faces now past


Stare back as I dream

  —meant never to last


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)



Dancing Freely


All of our passions

  border on sin


The reasoning gray,

  the line often thin


All of our joy

  dances freely between


That Angel above us

  —and a Devil unseen


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)




Only For Show


I’m a Type A Poet,

 literarily incorrect


In the company of fools,

  my pen goes for their neck


They sing to the choir,

  while we cry and spill blood


Their trash in the fire,

  their lies in the mud


The things that we struggle with,

  just folly to them


As their dilettante pleadings,

  ramble on and pretend


Their self psycho-analysis,

  and the time that they steal


Turn to dead broken promises,

  masking what they can’t feel


The thing they most run from,

  we welcome inside


As they tunnel and burrow,

  trying harder to hide


And their one greatest fantasy,

   for us never to know


That their self-proclaimed mastery

   —was at best just a show


(Villanova Pennsylvania: July, 2016)