
To the Man I Thought Was the One


 Maybe one day

I will forget the day I met you.

Maybe one day

I will forget every “I love you.”

Every “I miss you.”

Every “Goodnight.”


Maybe I won’t.


Maybe just because you marry someone

and promise them the world,

does not make a difference

when you can’t even break the distance

between Elizabethtown and Lancaster.


And just because you say

“Babe she doesn’t matter”

Doesn’t mean she’s not on your mind.


I guess our time together

is nothing but a void

in your skeleton of memories.


I guess we meant nothing.


Don’t call me crazy

because we were once them.

And don’t call me lazy

because I dare not put myself

through the misery of fighting for first place.


What was once a fairytale story,

is a story that we now mourn.


Because our love died in my arms.


Refusing to let go I gave us CPR.

Refusing to accept the death of our future, I tried so hard.


But whose grave do I visit when I miss you?

Because you aren’t really dead,

you just left without warning.


And after you said “I do.”

You said “I need time to think.”


How the hell does someone go

from building a life together

to, “I hope you have a good life.”


But, I do.

I hope you have a good life.


Just because I wish nothing

but the best for you

doesn’t mean I wasn’t the best for you.


It means you weren’t the best for me.