Nafis Light

The Joker in Me

Just a little tickle
is all it takes
to make me smile
and laugh for a while.


But hey,
don\'t come and tickle me
if you want to make me laugh
because I prefer jokes and something sparkly.


Yeah, I love The Joker
though mainly his fun side
like his smiles and his laughter
that always get me excited.


It\'s my love for The Joker that
had led me here;
Meeting you all
and the poems on your wall.


I wanna give smiles,
love and laughter and...
...let\'s just see what else I will have
in my loving hand.


If we are happy,
then let\'s be happier;
If we are smiling,
then let\'s smile bigger.


Cheers to The Joker;
Cheers to Making You All Smile and Laugh;
Cheers to All of Us
and our Ever-Growing Happiness!


With Smiles, Love and Laughter,