
Providential Plenitude

Tune: Louvan

(\'Lord of all being, throned afar\')

Psalm 65 v.5 - 13 parts


By awesome things in righteousness

Will you answer us, Lord, will bless

God of our salvation you be

Confidence of ends of earth, see


And of those who dwell on the sea

Their confidence you too sure be

By His strength [He] sets fast the mountains

Hills and vales, rivers and fountains


Girded wtih power He is for

He is Almighty evermore

He stills the noise of seas, waves, calms

And brings to people\'s tumults balms


You tend the earth, and it water

You supply it, it does endure

The river of God flows therein

Pure as crystal, and free from sin


You the year crown with your goodness

Abundance e\'en to wilderness

Little hills rejoice, pastures clothed

With flocks from your good hand bestowed


The valleys also covered are

With corn, they do reach broad and far

They shout for joy, they also sing

For gracious provision you bring