dusk arising



Disappointed with nothing meaningful

.         when life bids the question \'Why?\'

Conscripts in a faith for the meek or humble

.         may devoutly swallow lies.

But confounded by ambiguities

.         and those childhood instilled fears,

Cry out as \'WHY?\' shouts even louder

.         and death draws ever near.



.                Neither talk to me of charity

.                nor shame me with goodwill.

.                Or the piousness of that poorest of man

.                who\'s name is worshipped still.

.                No, look instead at wealth and finery

.                as is launched one more appeal.

.                To empty another man’s pocket

.                whilst in billions of gold they deal.



Such power has been engineered

.         to capture hearts and minds.

With years of crafted psychology

.         and a fear to keep all blind.

But purity of heart was not invented here,

.         though they\'d have you believe it so.

For ‘twas ever shown to each newborn child.

.         And so it was,  will be,  tomorrow.