
Another Week Alone.

Another week alone.

My loved one gone away,

Away to a Care Home.

Respite Care they call it.

Respite for who?

Respite for her?

Not really,

She is in her own world,

Her own world of dementia.

Respite for me?


As it gives me a chance,

A chance to replenish my strength,

My sanity,

Myself back to me.

It is so sad

To be away from her,

From the woman I have loved,

Loved forever,

But it is needed.

Dealing with it,

This f*****g dementia

Is so hard,

Coping is becoming almost impossible.


Why has it happened?

Happened to her,

One of the kindest of people,

Who has helped all others,

Helped them throughout her life.

She has praised God all her life,

But when she needs God,

The God of Christianity,

He is not there,

Does not answer her prayers,

Or those who pray to him, for her,

So where the f**k are you God?

Are you another myth of life

Forced upon us by others,

By those with money and power?

Is Christianity just politics,

Politics in disguise?


Another week alone

That before long

Will become permanent,

As her dementia claims her,

Claims my loved one,

Into a world of hers,

Where I don’t exist.