
My True Best Friend

     My True Best Friend

As a Very young child at the age of seven, I met a boy at the school house play ground.

Who would have know he was sent from heaven to be part of my life and to hang around.

The years brought changes and moving all over, but we stayed in touch just like we said.

And as teens we started to date each other we feel further in Love just as we planned.

We created a life born from this love, yet I felt I could not just tie him down.

I left for the big city without any notice, to raise the child away from my home town.

We stayed in communication while I worked so hard to do this on my own god I was stubborn.

We saw each other again not too many years later and the Love was just as strong as ever.

But again I turned my best friend away, telling him things Like I had changed.

We  married other thinking this was right, But I knew deep down we were to unite.

After the years had passed us by we did just that in a Blink of and eye.

Finally we came to each other Full circle, Best friends together we made if happen.

Now twenty years later we are still back together, today tomorrow and truly forever.

Best friends for over fifty two years no friendship is truer than this one right here.

Fate brought us together more that just once but this time to stay.

Me and my very True Best friend will always be together no doubt it\'s forever.

