

Part from a dream; part from actual ramble....

In the dream part I was in a wheat field. I felt to stay on one track,

a main track, though there were some other side-tracks.


Dreaming - or rambling - 

Through a wheat field - or through a wood

Go on, go forward

Take the path ahead

Or side-tracks that you may know


Sometimes discover new tracks

Where might this path lead?

Along a new way?

Or go round in a circle?

I may come out where I went in

After about 3 hours

Well, 30 minutes really!

Woof! Fido comes along too for walkies

(You knew I would fit him in)!


Yet sometimes good to stay to familiar paths

Though some is natural caution

But - \'Don\'t go there\' or \'Private Property - Keep Out\'

It\'s a dead end - or dangerous.....


Some walks I go on

There\'s places where there\'s a step

Narrow passing places - single file only

Make a false step, and we...

Can end up down a steep slope into a ditch

Or fall into a ravine either side (sort of - not too deep)

Or fall in a river - no guard rails or bushes along the riverside


But stay on some path

Not wander off

We don\'t know where we may end up, if we do

Some \'No Man\'s Land\'

Or \'Back of Beyond\'


Persevering on

Our journey long or short?

Our journey through life


With help of Another Being or Power - Him/Her/It?


In the Christian life - 

Jesus the Way, The Truth, and the Life