Fay Slimm.





Walking the cliff-path toward unfettered love-grounds
and dreaming of rights
I saunter alongside the edge for a look down.

After too long on the level the height makes me heady.
and now I wonder if I go ahead will I regret ?


Hearing the sound of excitement approaching I duck
under worn threads of my
cell-quiet past, yet find I welcome the thunder.

As late-love\'s storm approaches I look round to catch 
my long-ago shadow with 
romantic pigtails and laugh but with me, not at.


\"Go for it lady\" my former girl says \"You have been
too long under cover\" we
agreed then to act, my alter-ego-other and me .

A curtain was lifted on things that I need to digest 
about life and opinions but
of one thing I\'m certain, from now I say \"Yes.\"