
Living In The Light

Tune: Old Yeavering

(\'Like  mighty river flowing\')

1 John 1 v.5-7


This from God it be the message

Needs no fancy form or dressage

\'Tis that God is light, in Him be

No darkness at all, here see


Though humans cannot full clear see

His light of actuality

Yet shown through the Son, imparted

To the discerning-hearted


If we say we have fellowship

With Him, and comfort, and friendship

And at same time live in darkness

We lie, and He will not bless


For such are not living truly

Nor do they obey Him duly

But if we live in the light we

Shall by Him blessed sure shall be


If living in the light as He

Lives in the light, this standard see

Then we do have fellowship, meet

With one another, \'tis sweet


And then too the blood of Jesus

Christ, God\'s Son, it does full cleanse us

From all sin, we living holy

Children in God\'s light we be